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Whisper Of Light

A Life time of learning and still I feel I’m only scratching the surface.

Looking back at my life it feels like so many different lifetimes – Each period there was a different girl playing a different role.

It’s a peculiar feeling reflecting back and seeing what seems like a total stranger of whom I’m intimately connected with.

So many different roles I’ve played.

And even though it seems like I’m completely lost in them a glimmer of my true self will be whispering in the background, sometimes ever so faintly I can barely hear it.

The man-made noise of fear, grief, shame and sadness relentlessly vie for my attention, filling all the spaces where peace should exist.

So much confusion, so much noise!

The sadness and loneliness are building to an overwhelming state!

Just when I think I will break apart and can no longer manage the noise, the whisper within shows up and reassures me.

A golden wisp of light flutters and dances in my heart, it dries my tears and fills me with enough courage to take another step forward.

It reminds me of my strength and makes space for peace.

As the noise dissolves and the space within expands whisper shows me the Pure Love that lives within…the truth of who I am.

Whisper shouts out in Joy and holds me in its warm embrace.

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